Domain Name System (DNS)
The Onion Router (tor)
Primary application: canopy
version: 0.1.96
- Your homepage.
guide A guide to the canopy.
ai AI.
manage your website's artificial intelligence
webint-ai 0.0.5
by Angelo Gladding<>
auth Identity and resource authorization.
- consent The authorization consent screen.
- tokens Your token endpoint.
- devices Your device endpoint.
- tickets Your ticket endpoint.
- clients Third-party clients you've used.
- clients/{client_id} A third-party client.
- metadata Identity and resource authorization.
manage website owner authentication
webint-auth 0.0.9
by Angelo Gladding<>
cache All cached resources.
- resource
- details/{site}/{page} A web resource.
- a11y/{site}/{page} A web resource.
- sites Index of sites as HTML.
- sites/{site}/screenshot.png A site's screenshot.
- sites/{site}/scoreboard.svg A site's scoreboard.
- {site} A website.
- {site}/{page} A webpage.
manage resource caching on your website
webint-cache 0.0.12
by Angelo Gladding<>
code Code index.
- snippets Code snippets.
- rebuild_project_permissions
- projects List of projects.
- projects/{project} Project index.
- projects/{project}.git Project .git redirect.
- projects/{project}/api/{namespace}.svg Project's API in JSON.
- projects/{project}/api/{namespace} Project's API namespace.
- projects/{project}/api.json Project's API in JSON.
- projects/{project}/settings Project settings.
- projects/{project}/files/{filename} A file in a project's repository.
- projects/{project}/raw/{filename} A file in a project's repository.
- projects/{project}/commits A commit log of a project's repository.
- projects/{project}/commits/{commit_id} A commit to a project's repository.
- projects/{project}/releases A project's release.
- projects/{project}/releases/{release}?\d+\.\d+) A project's release.
- projects/{project}/releases/{release}?\d+\.)?\d+)/files/{filename} A file in a project's release.
- projects/{project}/issues A project's issues.
- projects/{project}/issues/new A project's issue creator.
- projects/{project}/issues/{issue} A project's issue.
- pypi PyPI repository in Simple Repository format.
- pypi/{project} PyPI project in Simple Repository format.
- search Search all code.
manage code on your website
webint-code 0.0.71
by Angelo Gladding<>
data Data sources.
- tables Interface to the SQLite database.
- tables/{table} A table in the SQLite database.
- export Export your data.
- Export data in a modified Blog Archive Format.
manage the data on your website
webint-data 0.0.46
by Angelo Gladding<>
editor All Drafts.
- draft A draft.
- preview/markdown
- preview/resource
an editor for your website
webint-editor 0.0.176
by Angelo Gladding<>
guests Site guests.
- sign-in IndieAuth client sign in.
- authorize IndieAuth client authorization redirect URL.
- sign-out IndieAuth client sign out.
manage website guests
webint-guests 0.0.6
by Angelo Gladding<>
- slow
- schedules
- {job_module}
- {job_module}/{job_object}
- {job_module}/{job_object}/{job_arghash}
- {job_module}/{job_object}/{job_arghash}/{job_run_id}
a simple asynchronous background job queue
bgq 0.1.5
by Angelo Gladding<>
live Live stream and chat.
stream from your website
webint-live 0.0.26
by Angelo Gladding<>
media Your media files.
- {filename} A media file.
manage media on your website
webint-media 0.0.54
by Angelo Gladding<>
mentions Your mentions.
manage mentions on your website
webint-mentions 0.0.16
by Angelo Gladding<>
owner Owner information.
- sign-in Sign in as the owner of the site.
- sign-out Sign out while signed in as the owner of the site.
- reset Reset the passphrase. You must manually delete the current passphrase first.
- actor .
- inbox Messages from the Fediverse.
- inbox/shared Messages from the Fediverse.
- sharedInbox Messages from the Fediverse.
- test .
manage your website's ownership details
webint-owner 0.0.26
by Angelo Gladding<>
player Media player.
play media on your website
webint-player 0.0.3
by Angelo Gladding<>
posts Your posts.
- channels Your channels.
- channels/{channel} A single channel.
- syndication Your syndication destinations.
manage posts on your website
webint-posts 0.0.26
by Angelo Gladding<>
search Search everything.
search the web from your website
webint-search 0.0.26
by Angelo Gladding<>
sites Manage your websites.
- gaea
- machines Manage your machines.
- machines/{machine} Manage one of your machines.
- machines/{machine}/config Configure one of your machines.
- machines/{machine}/update Manage your machine's system updates.
- machines/{machine}/builds Manage your machine's builds.
- domains Manage your domains.
- domains/{domain_name} Manage one of your domains.
manage sites from your website
webint-sites 0.0.11
by Angelo Gladding<>
system The system that runs your website.
- addresses System addresses.
- addresses/domains System addresses.
- software System software.
- settings System settings.
manage your website's system
webint-system 0.0.29
by Angelo Gladding<>
track your location across meatspace and cyberspace
webint-tracker 0.0.3
by Angelo Gladding<>
robots.txt A robots.txt file.
{year} Posts for a given year.
{year}/{month} Posts for a given month.
{year}/{month}/{day} Posts for a given day.
{year}/{month}/{day}/{postno}(/{slug})?|{page} An individual entry.