Toxicodendron Diversilobum

Pacific Poison Oak
Wear boots, long pants, long sleeved shirt and rubber latex double coated gloves.
Use garden shears to remove the above ground vines. Pick up and remove fallen, desicated leaves. Use a mattock to unearth and remove the roots.
Throw plant parts and gloves directly into trash bag, seal tightly and place into trash can.
Place pants and shirt in an empty washing machine.
Wash the garden shears and mattock with rubbing alcohol and then dish soap.
Wash hands and forearms with a rubbing alcohol soaked washcloth. Use friction to wipe all skin surfaces (see for visual instructions). Follow up by washing with dish soap twice.
Repeat with your face carefully avoiding dripping any liquids in your eyes.
Use several washcloths as necessary. Place washcloths in washing machine.
Take a shower, shampoo your hair and use a pair of exfoliating gloves to gently scrub your face and entire body.
Add the exfoliating gloves to the washing machine. Add 1/2 cup vinegar to the fabric softener dispenser along with normal detergent as usual and start the wash.
Allergic Reaction Onset
The rash usually appears within 3 days of the exposure to the oil, but the time frame can vary significantly. The more sensitive a person is to urishiol, the faster the rash may appear.
Sensitivity and the risk of a reaction increases with age and repeated exposure.
No previous exposure: typically takes 2 to 3 weeks
Previous exposure: usually appears within 4 to 48 hours
Itch Relief
CeraVe "Itch Relief Moisturizing Lotion" with 1% Pramoxine Hydrochloride